she/her; i'm just a silly trans girl who loves her wife. i live in pdx with my cat kitty pryde. i write javascript for cash and jokes for spite.
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Hello Portland!

Portland is a truly beautiful city that I can't wait to get to know better.

I'm still unpacking, but I really like where my wife and I moved. I'm exhausted, sore, and I don't see it getting better anytime soon, lol. Jeez, I have too much stuff.

My Online Activity Feed

The other day I joked on Mastodon

attempting to make a single feed of everything i post online. not for the public, but for my therapist. (via)

and then I foolishly followed it up with

ok i did it. it's only available as a jsonfeed because this is only for the real sickos. and my therapist. (via)

which may or may not have been what inspired me to write about the frustrations of working with RSS feeds.

It takes a collection of my posts from:

And that's it. I don't really do anything else in public anymore, but I imagine I would add more if I did. This is super dorky, but a fun weekend project. You can find the JSON feed at melaniekat.com/feed

I also wanted to make a visual representation of the feed. I don't know how to fit it in with the main content of my website yet, but you can see it at melaniekat.com/timeline as I continue to tweak it.

Embrace the JSON Feed

JSON Feeds have been around since 2017 but the adoption of them hasn't gone far enough. RSS became a thing in 1999, Atom in 2005, and yet those are what most people use to this day. As a front-end engineer, this sucks. Working with XML is a nightmare and drags down my code's efficiency, but I do it because that's the best feed option provided most of the time.

Working with JSON is just so much more straightforward than working with XML. It's easier to make a JSON feed. It's easier to read a JSON feed.

To underline my point to get the latest feed item in XML it would look roughly like this:

import { XMLParser } from 'fast-xml-parser'
const parser = new XMLParser({
  ignoreAttributes: false,
const parsedXML = parser.parse(xmlAsString, {})
if (parsedXML?.feed?.entry) {
  // If the feed is Atom
} else if (parsedXML?.rss?.channel?.item) {
  // If the feed is RSS

But with JSON Feed it's only:


It's time to move on: no new RSS feeds in 2024

My Final Week in San Francisco

I recently wrote about my decade in San Francisco on my main blog. It's funny, I spent the decade prior to my decade here dreaming of moving to San Francisco. I didn't think I would ever leave this city (by choice, at least). I also never thought I would be homebound to my studio apartment for the last three years or so by a global pandemic.

When one talks about leaving San Francisco it's usually got some gross undertones of hating the unhoused or made up crime statistics. Sure our mayor isn't great but what else is new.

I saw an opportunity for something new and I'm taking it.

30 unread notifications

A few times lately I have had the rare occurrence of waking up to a handful of notifications from Mastodon. The time it takes for me to tap on one of them before finding out why I got them is tense. All the negative things a social media notification could mean run through my head.

I should just turn them off entirely.

Mario Mario vs Mario

A hot take I have been mulling on since my wife got me to watch the 1993 Mario movie: Super Mario Bros. (1993) is better than The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023). While I recognize that the ‘90s movie was a mess to make, it tries so much harder than the ‘23 version. The newer film wasn't made for me, full stop. It wasn't made for people who grew up with Mario, it was made for people who have yet to grow up with Mario.

I imagine when you start a new project in Final Draft it automatically inserts that the main character will be played by Chris Pratt. Most people remember to change this before turning in their work, but like a college english professor, you can clearly see when someone leaves in the placeholder text.

I enjoy the creative (and wild) choices that the ‘93 film made. Maybe the ‘23 film could have been improved by making any choice at all.

On default apps

While migrating between apps can be a chore, I like that I can do it. I like trying other apps from time to time.

Yesterday I migrated all my bookmarks from Anybox to GoodLinks. I bought GoodLinks when it first came out but I didn't understand it. Was it a read later app or was it a bookmarking app? I got hung up on that. Anybox was the logical place for me to put my links as it archived the articles, saved PDF copies of websites, and supported all kinds of urls like bookmarklets and deeplinks. I was worried about moving my stuff over, because the internet is in its very nature both ephemeral and forever. I kept my Anybox data, since it's just stored on iCloud, same as GoodLinks, so if GoodLinks didn't get something I could go back to Anybox to check its archived copy.

I also changed my podcast app from Airshow, which I love, to Apple's Podcasts, which I do not love. It's built in and supports transcriptions now which is really cool. It will also recommend me a racist and homophobic podcasts, so that's obviously not ideal. I don't know if I will keep using Apple's Podcasts app, but it's so easy to just transfer my data back and forth. Especially when I only listen to two podcasts.

Swapping out apps can be fun, it gives me a different perspective and shows me what my options are.

My Rule of Thumb for Buying Apple Stuff

Provided I have the money to spend at the time,

  • I generally upgrade my iPad Pro every 2 releases as it's my main computer
  • I get a new Apple Watch if my current one is broken as the Apple Watch hasn't changed significantly since it came out almost a decade ago
  • I use the iPhone Upgrade Program since it gives me the latest camera for half the price of buying the iPhone to own. This  helps me avoid all the planned obsolescence pitfalls
  • I buy Macs when Apple forces me to because macOS stops running on my hardware
  • I ignorantly buy every release of the Apple TV thinking this will be the one that actually improves something. They're relatively cheap though, and I do use them pretty heavily
  • I don't buy Apple products that have been out for a while. I feel like that's asking for a world of pain with whatever whiplash decision might be made with the latest model of something
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